Welcome to my portfolio site

Here is where I'll be displaying experience, projects, and a few details about who i am as a person. Now prepare yourself for a journey through time.

Let's Go!

What about me?

I was once a computer engineering major in college but decided to make a change. I'm currently perfecting my craft in web development, specifically front-end web development. I have a few other skills and experiences outside of computer technology but I'll saved that for a different portfolio.

My skills?

Oh yes, my skills (and attributes)!


I have a diverse background in programming languages such as: C++, JavaScript, SQL, HTML, CSS, and PHP.


I'm proficient with computer hardware both diagnosing and repairing. I have built mutliple PC's and troubleshot to find the source of their issues.


Specialize in computer hardware and software repair. Expert experienced with Windows and building computers.


I'm proficient with setting up and configuring LAN/WLAN. Experience with troubleshooting networks as well.

Featured Projects

Here are some projects I have worked on for school, friends, family, and personal use. These were made using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Let's Get In Touch!

Contact me by any of the choices below.